Ionosit Baseliner is a light-curing material that acts as a stress breaker for composite restorations, it can minimize postoperative sensitivity, micro-fractures, and secondary caries. Furthermore, its active chemistry prevents marginal gap formation and guarantees reliable and durable restorations. Ionosit Baseliner combines the favorable properties of glass ionomers and composites in one material. Its controlled expansion prevents structural stress or micro-fractures in the composite, serving as a stress-breaker within the cavity. The material reacts with dentin to prevent bacterial penetration and seal the dentinal tubules to protect the pulp from bacterial ingress. This is a reliable and predictable means of preventing pulp damage and postoperative sensitivity. The application of Ionosit Baseliner in a 1 mm layer between dentin and composite produces a release of fluoride and zinc ions, forming a protective barrier for the tooth at the junction between the tooth surface and the restoration. Its innovative chemistry forms a connection to dentin, sealing possible gaps created by polymerization shrinkage of the composite material, and avoiding stress on the dentinal interface. The Saferinge developed by DMG enables easy single dose application of the baseliner. Overall, Ionosit Baseliner’s unique combination of properties make it an ideal one-component base material for composite restorations and a stress-free solution for gap-free restorations.
图1. 一位患者主诉左上后牙食物嵌塞咬合不适。左上象限(从第一前磨牙至第二磨牙)龋病情况如图。
A patient presents with pain in the upper left hand side complaining of food packing and discomfort when biting down. Figure 1 and 2 showed the photographic and radiographic findings. Caries in the upper left quadrant (from first premolar to the second molar).
图2. 在与患者讨论完治疗方法和风险后,清除龋损,恢复牙齿形态和功能是主要目标。
After discussing the treatment modalities and risks of treatment with the patient, the cleaning of carious lesions, in addition to the restoration of the form and the function of the teeth was set as the main goal.
图3. 局部麻醉,橡皮障隔离,清理牙齿。
After local anesthesia, a rubber dam was placed and the teeth were cleaned.
图4. 清除龋损后,29μm氧化铝喷砂清理洞壁、洞缘。
After the removal of caries, air abrasion (Aquacare) with 29μm aluminium oxide was used to clean the cavity walls and all the margins.
图5. 龋洞清理完成。准备酸蚀和黏结。
Cavities cleaned. The cavities are now ready for etching and bonding.
图6. 37%磷酸酸蚀釉质30秒,冲洗30~60秒。
The enamel was etched with 37% phosphoric acid gel (DMG Etching Gel) for 30 seconds (Fig 6) and was washed for 30-60 seconds with water (Fig 7) before bonding.
图7. 流水冲洗。
Rinse with water.
图8. 在涂布黏结剂前,釉质应吹干后呈现霜白色。
The enamel should be frosty white after drying with air before applying the adhesive.
图9. 放置成形片和成形片夹。
Sectional matrix & ring placed.
图10. 涂布粘结剂于窝洞内30秒,干燥5秒,光固化20秒。
Ecosite Bond DMG was applied to the cavities for 30 seconds and left to dry for 5 seconds before being light-cured for 20 seconds.
图11. 光固化垫底材料置于27窝洞最深处。
Ionosit baseliner was applied to the deepest part of the cavity in the tooth 27 using the special single dose applicator “Saferinge”.
图12. 光固化20秒。
The Ionosit baseliner was light-cured for 20 seconds.
图13. 垫底后准备充填修复。
Cavities ready for restoration.
图14. 复合树脂修复窝洞,窝沟染色。
The cavities were restored with composite and the fissures were sealed with brown colored composite.
图15. 充填修复后,抛光,拆除橡皮障(此时牙齿仍处于脱水状态偏白),咬合纸检查咬合。
Once the restorations are completed, they are polished and the rubber dam was removed (the teeth will be dehydrated and appear white). Further, the occlusion was checked with articulating paper.
图16. 抛除咬合高点及印记。
The high contacts are polished off and the case was completed.
图17. 一个月回访。
One month recall.
图18. 术后X线片。
Section of post-operative x-ray.
Ionosit Baseliner is a dental material that can be used as a base material for composite restorations. It is designed to compensate the shrinkage that is typical for composite fillings, which can cause marginal gaps and postoperative sensitivities. One of the most significant benefits of Ionosit Baseliner is the ability to counteract the polymerization shrinkage of composite fillings. Another benefit is the ability to prevent marginal gap formations. When there are gaps between the filling and the tooth, it can allow bacteria to penetrate, leading to secondary caries. Ionosit Baseliner reacts with the dentin and seals the dentinal tubules, thus, preventing the formation of gaps and protecting the pulp from exogenic influences. Ionosit Baseliner is also radiopaque, which makes it easy to see on X-rays, and provides fluoride release, which helps to protect the tooth from decay. Additionally, its zinc content gives it antibacterial properties, which further helps to prevent secondary caries. Overall, Ionosit Baseliner is a reliable and durable material that can help to create stress-free and long-lasting composite restorations.